Haunted Bookshop

2,00 €16,00 €
“That's why I call this place the Haunted Bookshop. Haunted by the ghosts of the books I haven't read. Poor uneasy spirits, they walk and walk around me. There's only one way to lay the ghost of a book, and that is to read it.”
― Christopher Morley, The Haunted Bookshop

Kirjandusküünal, mille magus Halloweeni hõnguline lõhn viib õudusi ja imet täis raamatupoodi...

Tipp - vaarikas, mustsõstar, murakas, ploom, virsik
Süda - apelsin, sidrun
Baas - vanilje

➼ 210g mustas klaasist purgis (komplektis puidust kaas) - põlemisaeg ca 42h
➼ 80g mustas metallpurgis (komplektis metallist kaas) - põlemisaeg ca 15h
➼ Aroomivahana
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